The Letter I Sent My Dear Followers
I am sending this message to all who favorited or followed my story or my account, because I need to say something important about this story.
Nergal won the poll, with three votes compared to the one vote of each of the losers. However, I am simply not a fan of Nergal. I think Nergal Jr. is a much more interesting character, and Hoss Delgado and Nigel Planter are also more interesting than Nergal. I started work on Nergal's episode by, at the latest, July 25, 2014, because I had writer's block with the original Episode Nine. By August 9, 2014, I was barely writing anything for said episode. I couldn't even stand to come up with ideas for future chapters, because I felt guilty about not writing for this chapter. At the same time, I had nothing to contribute to this episode. There was really no creative spark, except for a couple of jokes, so I had to force the "brainstorming" portion of the creation of this episode, instead of having fun deciding the beginning, middle, and end of the story. My internet was out for more than 48 hours, and during that time, I barely contributed to this story, one of the only things I could do on my computer without Internet. While it was out for the more than 48 hours, I spent more time responding to fans on my phone than I did working on the actual story.
I'm back in high school now, so I'll have less time to work on this. It is for everyone's best interest that I start work on a different episode. There's just no way I can get it done right now, and still have an interesting story for you guys to read. It took so much out of me, I couldn't even bring myself to write the Nigel Planter episode.
For those of you who don't know, this is a common thing for writers to go through, but most writers generally grow tired of their series in general. I don't feel that way yet; I don't consider this story to be stupid or boring, but I may get that way if I keep forcing this story. I'm sorry. I know some of you guys were probably really excited to see Nergal, but you deserve a better episode than what I was creating. From now on, I'll be doing polls that reflect on previous works rather than determine the outcome of future chapters. I hope you guys can forgive me and maybe even learn to appreciate why I'm doing this.
Also, in the last chapter, a character made a comment about how you shouldn't go to college. This is not entirely the message I wanted to convey. If you go to college to be a doctor, there's a good chance you can pay off your student loans. If you get a good amount of scholarship money, you may not have to take on too many student loans, and you'll be able to may it off in a relatively short amount of time. The point I was trying to make was that going to college is not the right decision for everybody. I won't talk any more about this topic, because it really depends on the situation. I do apologize for making this joke seem as though you should NEVER EVER go to college. It was uncalled for, and I'm sorry.
One more thing, I'm thinking of replacing Chapter One of this story, because it seems to be driving off a lot of potential readers, based on the view count of each individual chapter. If anyone is afraid of the changes that will be made to the first chapter, an original version of Chapter One will be made available at my blog spot before I post the new version. The URL is "reginaldkonga (dot) blogspot (dot) com" (you'll have to remove the (dot)'s and replace them with actual periods). There's not much on the blog at this time, by the way.
I'll try to get the Halloween special finished by the last week in October, but it may not be the behemoth I originally intended, as the "grand adventure" storyline from the Eds Halloween special clashed with the "we must act now" feel from the Billy & Mandy special, so I'm thinking of splitting the two stories up for now.
Thank you for your patience with this next chapter.
Newer Information
I actually did manage to find a way to combine "Billy & Mandy's Jacked Up Halloween" with "Ed, Edd n Eddy's Boo Haw Haw!" while keeping the "grand adventure" tone from "Boo Haw Haw!" I don't to give away too much, but Jack will be told of a way to get his head back. Whether or not he succeeds is something you'll have to wait to find out. I also learned that it's spelled "Boo Haw Haw!" instead of "Boo-Ha-Ha!" Oh, well.
Hopefully, I can get a story out by the last week in October. I'll try for October 25th, because I imagine people have things to do on the actual holiday (I still can't believe Halloween isn't a national holiday).
Other News
Recently, I noticed a post on Earth 2 Edd (where I am known as "Edd Shwartz") that talked of a revival of the Jawbreaker Chronicle. It wasn't by the same people who did the original JBC nor the original JBC Exclusive, but I still liked the idea of collaborating with someone. I was a bit more familiar with the Gravy Inquirer, back when Edtropolis was a thing, but I still wanted to help out. Issue 1 isn't that good, but Issue 2 was a HUGE improvement. I sent in a resume (which contained a short story entitled "New Pollswede Declares War on Kevin"), and I was accepted. I was very happy to receive my acceptance letter, and I enjoy my position as the head of the advertising department. I'm even the mastermind behind Mr. Konga, the star of Mr. Konga's Weekly Word the new JBC's equivalent of Dr. Eric's Weekly Word. We posted Issue 3 shortly after ToastEd (the main editor) posted Issue 2. Then, we had some technical difficulties involving the number of web pages we could have on the website, so we had to switch sites. The old site is here. The new site is here.
We later posted Issue 4, and, well, I was dissatisfied with the first edition of "The Amazing Adventures of Plank," because it was a plagiarizing of an episode of Johnny Test called "Johnny's Amazing Turbo Action Backpack." I'm no longer a fan of JT––old or new––but that's beside the point. I didn't like it, but ToastEd and I ironed everything out. The story was replaced with another edition of "The Amazing Adventures of Plank." He admitted that it was plagiarism, which probably took a lot of honesty to do. Some of you might be thinking that I shouldn't be saying this about my "boss," but since he mentioned this in the introduction to the new TAAoP, I assume it's okay. There will be an Issue 5 tonight (September 12, 2014). We could've done it yesterday, but that was the anniversary of September 11th, so we decided not to release the 5th issue on that day out of respect.
Hopefully, I'll have more to talk about, since we'll be doing the JBC on a regular basis. See you later.