More Delay on Episode Nine
I was thinking that I would have an overabundance of time to work on Episode Nine during Fall Break (which ran from October 13th to October 17th (not counting the two surrounding weekends). I was wrong.
My 15-year-old dog passed away on the Friday before Fall Break. I was heartbroken and unable to do much of anything when it came to the Internet. Then, I became sick on Saturday and Sunday (I won't discuss it here because there are just some things you don't post online). I spent much of Monday and Tuesday working on a stupid school project. I was out of town for much of Wednesday and almost all of Thursday. I finally finished the school project on Sunday night (for the most part. The teacher wants me to do corrections now). Then, Monday came around.
Now it's October 22nd. I'm having a lot of trouble with the story. I recently realized a big part of the battles throughout this episode didn't work in terms of storytelling. You'll see what I mean by "battles" when the episode is released. Luckily, I didn't get very far before deciding they didn't work. Thus, I've only had to redo one battle, but that's just it!! I don't have much done.
I'm also worried that the story is too violent for a K+ rating. I truly believe that the story thus far is appropriate for nine-year-olds, but I'm worried this upcoming chapter will change that. Of course, will almost definitely disagree if they ever find my story. I don't know. Maybe it's because I don't remember properly, but I think that the guidelines are a little off. Of course, there was one advice blog on Fiction Press (I don't know why he was posting his advice blog on Fiction Press either) that insisted that any violence whatsoever was automatically T and probably M. Kids can handle more than just Care Bears, okay? I understand that The Ren & Stimpy Show and Adventure Time may have a bit of content that kids shouldn't be seeing (actually, Ren & Stimpy probably has a lot of content that kids shouldn't be seeing), but––I'm getting into all sorts of different topics here!!
The point of what I was saying is this: I don't know if I'll look back and say, "This is too violent for kids" or not, and I don't want to have to come back and do it over because it will take too long. Thus, I sit here and wait, accomplishing nothing. I'm going to be honest, folks. I only want to work on the story at hand for a few scenes. After that, I want to move on. I want to do Billy & Mandy episodes like "Which Came First?" and "The Secret Snake Club," but I'll never get anything accomplished if I keep switching back and forth.
I Don't Know What to Do
I don't know what I'll do if I miss Halloween. It may take me even longer to get the story done due to a lack of motivation. I'm very motivated right now to get it done because of the incentive of getting a Holiday Special done during the appropriate time of year.
I really do appreciate all of the support my fans have given me, especially from CartoonEdsBoy2009. It's just that I don't want to shell out a mediocre product. I hope whoever's reading this will understand. Wait, was that "whoever' or "whomever." Aw, fiddlesticks.